Angel Lambeth Pendergrass, born 4-17-1971. Parted from this world in the morning sun of 05-01-2022 after having lost her battle of four years with cancer. She was a loving mother, avid gardener, caring person, and in general enjoyed watching those around her grow. She was preceded in death by her husband (Maxwell Pendergrass), her mother (Rhonda Coppley), and previous husband (Eric Absher). Her memory survives on in her sons Timothy Kyle Absher and Christopher Ryan Absher, as well as grandchild Ethan Cole Absher, her father James Ross Lambeth, step-mother Shirley Lambeth, brother Eric Shaun Lambeth and sister Crystal Dawn Lambeth. Along with many other loved ones who were blessed to know her. The family plans to hold a private family service in accordance to her last wishes.